
My passion lies in using astrology to help individuals understand their natal potential and life experiences.

Carl Jung wrote, one of the most important questions we can ask about our lives, is “what myth am I living?” Astrology, when properly used, helps us understand the myth that calls us, the season of life we are in, and the collective cycles of humanity, as they come into our life.

I discovered astrology, in 2014, initially as a hobby. Its language spoke to me and helped me understand my life’s experiences. As with learning any language, this required extensive study. In 2018, I started studying under some of the most respected astrologers in the NYC community, and I continue to do so.

My consultation consists of unpacking your natal chart and interpreting the planets and placements. Ultimately, this language describes the human psyche and its experiences. I consider myself a psychological astrologer, borrowing ideas from Liz Greene, C.G Jung, James Hillman, and from my studies in the NYC astrology community.

The human psyche is a complex process. Astrology provides a language for these processes and in helping us understand our Daemon, or as C.G Jung calls it, our individuation process. I keep my readings simple. I work with the 7 traditional planets, along with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron. I use secondary progressions, transits and eclipses for predictive work.